Following will be Questions and Answers that people asked me that have to do with eggs, should there be anything you wish to add, have a new question, or wish to comment, please feel free to contact me by clicking this link.  Hope you enjoy!


How long do eggs keep?

It all depends on how you store it, where they come from.

I assume you mean chicken eggs?

If fresh from the farm, as are mine, they last about 3–4 weeks in the cool house. I never put them in the fridge unless they were dirty and I have to wash them than one must put them into the fridge immediately.

But, if you are unsure how fresh they are you can perform a float test. Take a glass of water and add the egg in question, if it sinks to the floor all the way it is very fresh, from that point on it lifts up on one side a little more each by age, a week old might be diagonal but still touching the ground. Once an egg floats its bad. DO NOT OPEN! Discard carefully.

If you pickle eggs they can live for a couple of years.

Boiled eggs keep a week in the fridge.

Hope this helped and please click follow me for another adventure. Blessings,


Question # 2

How do you cook DIY eggs and soldiers?

To be honest most of the time I leave my toast whole add a bit of Himalayan pink salt on the bread and on the 1 minute soft boiled eggs that the heat was turned off for a few more minutes left standing in the hot water. I take a bit of my toast and while in the mouth add a teaspoon full of the nice runny yolk to that combination. Hummm, yummy in the tummy. But I have cut the toast in strips before, but left the crust always on, because I love the crust the most of my well toasted bread.

My dippy eggs and soldiers are a bit unusual I admit it. And you? How do you like yours?


A mantidfly laid eggs on my window. I have pets that they may bite when grown. Do I get rid of the eggs?

They cause no threat to humans or pets. It takes a year to be an adult, so I would put it gently outside for sure maybe with a piece of paper underneath? Good luck, blessings,



Why are white eggs cheaper?

Because the majority of eggs being sold in the stores come from mass produced chicken farms where they keep the chickens in tiny cages in horrid conditions, dead chickens everywhere, it is gruesome and all to keep the cost down.

They are all Leghorn eggs because it produces an egg every day, 330 per year out of total possible 500 in her lifetime and that is not long under these terrible conditions.

Go to your neighbor and get your eggs from them, they are happy chickens that lay happy and healthy eggs and truly they don’t cost that much more and you can safe gas money now so it comes out to the same price in the end.

If you want to start raising chickens get either or both Leghorns and Golden Comets!


How do you store powdered eggs?

Powdered eggs can be stored for five up to ten years if you store it in an absolutely airtight container in a cool storage room. Hope this answered your question and you follow me for more answers. Blessings, Liane


What does it mean if an egg has air in it?

The air bubble is necessary for when the egg is fertilized and incubated the chick has enough air once through the membrane to pip through the outer shell to freedom.

That is why the fertilized eggs should always be stored immediately with the larger end upwards in the carton. One time my husband surprised me with a dozen fertilized eggs from the market to put under our broody hen and 95 percent of the eggs where the other way around, the seller certainly did not understand the importance of the situation. So needless to say none hatched.

But that is ok, we all learned from it and moved on. We have so many beautiful chicks, pullets, cockerels, roosters and hens that it was no real loss just a warm thought for the broody hen, I had some other eggs in the incubator and laid toward the end a handful of those under her so she can experience motherhood after all her suffering.


Why do pullet eggs taste so much richer than fully mature chicken eggs?

In my eyes a rarely 16 weeks layer to 20 week old chicken that lays eggs, however small, is a fully functional adult.

And from my experience I have not noticed any difference in the first few eggs from a new hen or a two year old vet in taste regardless of color or size of egg or breed. The only difference is the size tiny at first and the shell is much tougher.

A chicken lays only 500 eggs in her lifetime so if it is a leghorn it lays 330 egg in the first year not too many left in the second. So keep reproducing!

My tastebuds tell me that Duck eggs are the finest tasting eggs so far. Quail are supposed to be the healthiest. And ostrich eggs the largest, but you need a drill to crack it open.

Pullets eat starter feed until they are mature up to 16 weeks than they eat layer feed and/or scratch and meat feed.

Overall, your eggs will taste different depending on the feed and treats and leftovers you feed them, mealworms, sunflower seeds, etc. Garlic, ACV, medicine, all could theoretically change the taste of the egg. Just as carrots do they make the yolk more orange.

My Duck eggs, hmmm

My chicken eggs

Fart Egg

My First Egg New layer, Speckled Sussex

First Quail Eggs from hatched eggs now laying

Same new laying hen see the different sizes?

Bought fertilized eggs from the market to try most hatched, however, the Hawk got chicks right in front of our eyes.


Have you ever seen anything hatch from an egg?

Yes, many times. Ducks, Chickens, Quails, I incubate them and then you can watch them hatch from the egg through the clear see through. It is so fascinating.


How do you make chickens lay more eggs in Minecraft?

In the game the chicken lays an egg about every 5–10 minutes to keep the game active and the chicken will lay eggs.


How long does it take for free range chicken eggs to go bad if never chilled?

It truly depends on the temperature. If you mean outside? If it too hot over 100 degrees they could go bad the next day, couple of days, its like brooding the egg only much much hotter, but room temperature they are good for at least 3 weeks. You can always do the float test. Put the eggs in water if they lay on the ground they are super fresh and so on, but if they float, DO NOT OPEN NOR EAT!

If you leave in room temperature, don’t wash the eggs or you wash off the protection. Then you must place them immediately in the refrigerator.


Where can I buy a chicken rubber stamp for my eggs?

Well, at many places, however, the FDA does not allow any eggs to be stamped because the ink is not safe to consume since it penetrates through the shell. But you can use your stamp or order one for any other purpose egg cartons, business cards, invitations etc. Check out the link below for possibilities.

Business Custom Egg Carton Rubber Stamp Designs Plus
If you want something so cute you just have to get for your egg busines feast your eyes. Your customers will laugh all the way to the frying pan.

Can a small egg bring out a chick?

Lets investigate a bit. Do you mean an average chicken? They would lay a medium to large eggs. So a small egg is a smaller chicken size, for example the Polish or Silkies, which would mean yes it certainly will bring out a chick.

The smallest chicken is the Serama, which has small eggs and the chicken is not much smaller than any of the other chicks, but its so funny to see when you hatch a mixed egg breeds and watch them grow up. All the other grow large and the Seramas grow in turtle speed and stay small at the end, they are no bigger than a 5 week old pullet. But I love them they are absolutely fascinating especially mixed with a game bird, wow. Such sweet attachments and personalities.

But, if you are talking about a regular size chicken laying a small egg, usually, it does not work out as well, however, I have taken brand new egg layers and hatched the eggs most came out just fine.

Another small egg, haha, tiny egg layers are Frizzles. Her eggs are just a slight hint bigger than Quail eggs.

Hope this helps, have a great day, blessings,



What determines the size categories (e.g., extra-large eggs) of chicken eggs?

The size and more importantly, the weight of an egg. All the white extra large eggs you see in the stores are Leghorn eggs, they produce the most eggs and the largest in weight.

Hope this helps, blessings



What breed of chicken lays the best tasting eggs?

DUCKS :) truly! Then Quail eggs are supposed to be healthier for humans and then the Chickens. Chicken eggs taste all the same from any breed really, its just size and color, on your farm because they get the same feed and treats. If you want orange yokes feed them shredded carrots. If you like garlic, put a little of that, just no onions!

Make sure the chickens get about 22% protein in their feed or they lay less eggs and less tasty, hmmmm those bugs sure taste good in the neighborhood. Ducks, turkeys, quails etc. need meat feed it has more game protein. So don’t feed that to the little chicks!

Give them some mealworms and Black Soldier Larvae occasionally as well for great tasting eggs, again not to chicks they still need starter feed for 16 weeks.

Hope that helped you, but if you have more questions about the subject please sign-up on the link below on my blog and I gladly answer all your questions the same day for free. Blessings,



What do I need to know before raising chickens for eggs in my backyard?

I created a list of questions you wish to answer before even considering beginning such an adventure. I will attach below, furthermore a list of good books to chose from. Just make sure you are allowed chickens in your neighborhood and about roosters as well, sometimes you may keep six chickens legally, but absolutely no roosters so beware. Good luck.

List To Buy Best Books On Keeping Chickens & Poultry
Feeling Lonely? Seek this great list of books on Raising Chickens inside and you will have the time of your life. Holding a hen on your lap is heaven.
Best Books On Chicken Breeds & Other Poultry Varieties
Find out all about your favorite poultry breeds, which is the prettiest, the best layers, the heaviest, the weirdest, most expensive. The winner!

Can you recommend a good book or web resource for simple, step-by-step information on how to start raising chickens for eggs? I'm looking for efficient but thorough instructions?

Check this list out below! Blessings,


List To Buy Best Books On Keeping Chickens & Poultry
Feeling Lonely? Seek this great list of books on Raising Chickens inside and you will have the time of your life. Holding a hen on your lap is heaven.

What are egg laying chickens called?


A female chicken starts out from an egg laid by a hen, (hatched) to be a chick, then after a couple of months a pullet and after five to seven months an egg laying hen. The first few weeks the eggs are tiny but they grow suddenly large. A hen lays about 500 egg in her lifetime.

Hope that helped and have a good night.


List To Buy Best Books On Keeping Chickens & Poultry
Feeling Lonely? Seek this great list of books on Raising Chickens inside and you will have the time of your life. Holding a hen on your lap is heaven.

Which type of chicken lays the largest egg?

Which type of chicken lays the largest egg is easy to answer. A. I have it myself, my Leggy, I name her tenderly, it is the Leghorn. B. That is why all extra large eggs in the store are laid by Leghorns. Yes, you see the brown ones and they are close in size but not in weight. C. Some people might name the Rhode Island Red, yes I have that one also and I can tell you it is no where near as large. D. But I have also a Golden Comet a mix breed between White and Red Rhode Island, and let me tell you, Goldie lays an egg extra large every single day and it seems a hint larger than Leggy’s but not by weight. E. The Barnevelder is liked by many because it lays large eggs, but I had one and it was not as large. So good luck.

Hope this helped you in knowing which type of chicken lays the largest egg. Blessings,


Best Books On Chicken Breeds & Other Poultry Varieties
Find out all about your favorite poultry breeds, which is the prettiest, the best layers, the heaviest, the weirdest, most expensive. The winner!

How long do eggs keep?

It all depends on how you store it, where they come from.

I assume you mean chicken eggs?

If fresh from the farm, as are mine, they last about 3–4 weeks in the cool house. I never put them in the fridge unless they were dirty and I have to wash them than one must put them into the fridge immediately.

But, if you are unsure how fresh they are you can perform a float test. Take a glass of water and add the egg in question, if it sinks to the floor all the way it is very fresh, from that point on it lifts up on one side a little more each by age, a week old might be diagonal but still touching the ground. Once an egg floats its bad. DO NOT OPEN! Discard carefully.

If you pickle eggs they can live for a couple of years.

Boiled eggs keep a week in the fridge.

Hope this helped and please click follow me for another adventure. Blessings,



Do people eat the eggs of pigeons?

Absolutely, pigeons and doves and they are known to be a delicacy around the world as are many other eggs.

As a matter of fact, you can eat all bird eggs (there are two toxic birds in New Guinea where the it is unclear). Even snake - must be cooked well, crocodile - has a very fishy taste, turtles - all turtle eggs can be eaten are supposed to be tasting better than chicken eggs, however, with little musky aftertaste.

I personally love duck eggs, but I will certainly try some of the other eggs in the near future when occasion will have it.

Hope this helped and you will join me for more adventures. Blessings,


Photo by Stones


How many eggs can a mountain bluebird lay in a year?

Between average one clutch to maximum but rare 5 clutches in one year.

Blessings, Liane

Photo by Public Domain Pictures


How do you crack eggs perfectly every time?

You hold the chicken egg in one hand or both depending how experienced you are and hit it on a flat surface and spread the shell open.

For duck eggs, since the shell is much harder I take one egg in my left hand and take a regular eating knife in my right hand and hit the egg with the knife, than I put the knife down and with both hands prey the egg shell open mostly with the thumbs. The taste so delicious.

Surprisingly, Quail eggs have a nice little shell.

And the Ostrich egg you need a chisel and hammer or drill it is so tough. :)

But with the chicken eggs, what I found funny is that the brand new eggs from a new young layer are super small but the shell is so much harder than the adult egg shells.

Professionals only use one hand and hit it on the pan and with the fingers push the right part of the shell to the right and the left half shell with the thumb to the left and voila the egg is in the pan.


Why do chickens mainly lay eggs in the morning?

Because nature is calling it. Most of the time many chickens lay their eggs within six (6) hours after sunrise, but with all things there are always exceptions to the rule. The chicken egg laying cycle is about 24–26 hours from one egg being laid to the next depending on the breed. Because, there are different breeds that lay a certain amount of eggs per year.

For example, my best layer is my Leggy, a leghorn that literally lays an egg every day (330 per year), while my Polish hen lays only about 3 eggs per week or 150 per year. So it is hard to tell their schedule because if they are on a every other day schedule theoretically it could be always at the same time because they have plenty of time to develop the egg at the same time, whilst the Leghorn laying every day has to change a bit every day a few minutes or an hour later.

I always collect my eggs in the evening when everybody is finished laying them, tell everybody good night and that I love them and see them in the morning, so behave and be nice to one another, and then close the coop to protect from them from predators of which we have plenty here, but that is an entirely different story all together.

Photo by Pexel


Do bigger eggs create bigger chickens?

The short answer is yes, but more by weight than actual size. Small eggs make small chickens. It depends on the breed really.

The egg hatching is truly a science if you want to do it right. It is extremely complicated if you want the best hatching rate. Professionals change temperature depending on large or small eggs being hatched after 8–10 days by 0.1 degree up the 18th day.

See there are smaller chicken breeds laying smaller eggs of course, and they will come out as expected.

Now take a young hen just beginning to lay, her first egg is so tiny, that the chick will be tiny if it survives, however, the young hen will still be growing as are her egg sizes almost daily you can see the difference in size. Then we have the old hen that has been laying for a year or so and her embryos are beginning to slack off it is kind off like with humans when a woman conceives in her old age often the baby will be suffering from down syndrome, so it is sort of the same with older chicken trying to incubate her eggs.

So, I have always thrown in all different sizes of eggs and lost quite a few until I learned. Now my hatching rate is much better. However, I sometimes want to hatch only hens then you need up the heat 0.5 degrees hotter and the rooster embryo can’t handle the heat and pass on. Much easier to deal with a dead egg than falling in love with a chick and learning later on its a rooster you fed and loved and have to give up. The cost and emotional tribulations are not worth it to me.

But larger eggs produce more heat after 10 days than their smaller counter part, so if you want to put eggs in the incubator hatch at different times best in spring.

Photo by ttktmn0


How many days will a hen take to lay a fertilized egg after mating takes place?

If she is like my Leggy, a Leghorn hen, she lays an egg every single day, so if the rooster mated with her early in the morning, it would be the next day her egg would be fertile, because it takes 24–26 hours of developing an egg to pop out. So to be on the safe side I would say the next day and I had one rooster that mated with a handful of chickens but no eggs were fertile, he was about 3isch a Partridge Silkie, but he fell in love with my white Polish hen and they were always hanging out together and I so wanted a baby from them.

So I kept trying to hatch their eggs, I had two incubators going to make sure I catch something and loe and behold, eggs were 3–4 weeks collected and at the very last a few weeks after the Rooster was given back to the seller, because he was sterile, two eggs hatched two days apart, a male and a female. Goodness gracious great ball and fire, a pair!?! They look so cute together, the cockerel is so much larger you knew from day 3 he was a rooster.

So years ago doing the research before beginning this chicken adventure, I read that the hen stays fertile for up to 4 weeks and I found that to be true. I know the average might be a little lower, but I am happy as can be. The important part is when you are collecting the eggs they are only fertile after laying for 7–10 days and only with the wider side up with the air bubble.

I hope that answered your question and you follow the for more of the same.



This is one of my fertile eggs where you can clearly see the germinal disc, or blastoderm, I call it simply the bullseye!


Why are some eggs white while others are brown? Is it due to treatment techniques or due to the breed of the chicken?

All eggs are naturally white, if you would take a brown egg and rubb and rubb, eventually, you come to the white shell, except the breed with the blue gene ones. Their eggs are inside and outside bluish.

When you break a brown egg open you will see the white shell. So the egg color is due to the breed of chicken, there are many breeds that lay brown eggs, for example the Rhode Island Red, the Golden Comet, the Maran family, Welsummers, Barnevelders, and so on, but they all have one thing in common and that is that the brown color on top of the white egg are pigments called Protoprphyrin IX that the hen produces and it is made from heme and iron containing molecules and combines the globin protein to form hemoglobin. Because of the iron in the blood it is red and because there is no iron on the egg shell it is brown.

I hope this helped, blessings,


Photo by Congerdesign


How long does it take to boil 9 eggs?

Once the water is boiling you put the eggs in the water and wait until its boiling again, than you leave them in there for a little over a minute and move the pot of the heat and leave them another 14 minutes in the hot water. This is the best way to avoid the dark circle around the egg yolk.

Make sure you have eggs!

A. Get the pot

B. Fill the pot with water

C. Turn on the stove

D. Boil the water

E. Get a spoon

F. Get the eggs from the basket or the coop or the fridge or from the store

G. Place the eggs with the spoon into the boiling water

H. Boil the eggs for one minute

I. Move the pot of the heat

J. Wait 14 Minutes

K. Enjoy after cooling the eggs with ice cubes in a bowl of ice water

L. Peel the egg and add your favorite seasoning, or make Devil’s eggs.

M. Feed one to your dog and chickens

All in all it could take almost 20 minutes for a first timer.

Enjoy, blessings,


Photo by Myriam


Do darker-colored hens lay bigger and better quality eggs than lighter colored hens?

No, it has nothing to do with the color of the chicken, the biggest egg by size and weight is the Leghorn which is completely white. All chickens have the same quality eggs in the stores because a factory usually have the same breed chickens and only Grade AA will make it to the market, meaning cleanliness, shape, size, and texture must be the same. Quail and Ducks taste better that’s about it.

But at your own homestead it doesn’t matter if the egg is shaped a bit crocked one day or has a little rougher outside, or is not as clean as usually, the inside is what matters when you eat it!

Feed your chickens some spreader carrots and your egg yolks will have that nice orange color.

Hope you enjoyed my answer, blessings,


Photo by Pixel 2013


What do you know about Ostrich eggs that can be useful to me?

Ostrich eggs are filled with wonderful micronutrients plus macronutrients, is a good source of choline, rich in magnesium and iron, vitamin B12, riboflavin, as well as, folic acid. But interestingly, it contains less vitamin E and vitamin A than a chicken egg. And, have 47% proteins and fats, which are similar to chicken eggs, but with 2,000 calories. It would be a blessing to make these eggs a part of your diet if they would be more readily available and less costly don’t you think?

Did you know that one Ostrich egg is the equivalent of 20–24 chicken eggs? Wow, wouldn’t that be fun to have a special Ostrich egg breakfast for a holiday occasion with your whole family? Ostrich eggs can weigh 4 pounds and have a very hard shell to crack, about 20 times harder than a chicken egg and some consumers use a drill to get the liquid out and use the shell for other purposes to carve beautiful designs to sell the eggs, or use it as a water bottle in the wilderness.

Unfortunately, not many places sell Ostrich eggs since they are very expensive and not very practical nor economical. One tiny ostrich baby about 30–60 days old can costs over $500, and since they appreciate with weight to almost twice that after 3 months. And after one year some sellers ask for $2,500 per Ostrich, and a mature adult is at least $7,500 and could reach over $10,000.

It is wise to know that it is only legal to eat ostrich eggs or keep Ostriches in a few states such as Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Tennessee, and Wyoming.

Some people are wondering if frying an egg would be ok, the culinary world speaks against it because it takes at least 25 minutes to prepare it and who has these gigantic tools handy?

It doesn’t come as a surprise that even Meerkats and the jackal adore the rich flavor of ostrich eggs.

The Alpha Male Ostriches have a few females in his group and the main spouse will lay her eggs in the middle of the clutch about six to eleven and the other females (mated by even other males) lay a few more on the outer side totaling up to 50 eggs in one nesting try in June and July. Most Ostriches lay an egg every other day, some everyday until the max is reached to incubate. It is nice to know that the male is actually taking care of the offspring, but some females take turns incubating the eggs with him. They love the warm climate of Africa and Southern Asia.

The egg is as expensive as the meat, one egg could cost $100 and most places that sell the meat charges almost $30 per pound and the egg weighs 4 pounds so there you have it. The meat can even be eaten rare or as tartare. Ostrich meat is high in iron, protein, and zinc, but low in cholesterol.

These beautiful useful birds live in the wild approximately 30 - 40 years, however they have been known to live up to 70 years in captivity. Some people with meat allergies are able to eat Ostrich, just find out if you can since the pH is similar to our beef so its considered red meat.

Ostriches are territorial and aggressive poultry. They are not recommended as pets. They can run 43.5 miles per hour and cover nearly 15 feet in a single stride. They belong to the Aves class, that have a four chambered heart, which helps them with maintaining their body temperature, has three stomachs and is the largest bird that does not fly at all. When they poop they do number one first and then number two and their brain is as small as their eye, maybe that is why predators like them because the Ostrich in the sight of danger just runs around in circles.

Hope you enjoyed my article and click the follow me button for more adventures.



Photo by Cocoparisienne


How can I increase egg production in my backyard coop?

By giving them layer crumbles feed. Nutritious treats every day. Show them you love them. Give them a clean coop, comfortable, clean and safe nests, blend up egg shells and mix them in their feed, vitamins in their water, have chicken breeds that lay more eggs such as the Leghorn and the Golden Comet they lay an egg every day. Keep the temperature steady in the coop. Add a light in the winter the hens need 8–12 hours of light to be productive. Exchange your brooder hens with your friends who like chicks more than a lot of eggs. Pick up the eggs every day. Have different nest options, different styles, and see which ones they like the best. Pray a lot.

Photo by MufitPWT


How often does a rooster fertilize an egg?

Lets say you have one hen and one rooster, the rooster has to mate with the hen only one time and his dose will last about up to four weeks, so every egg laid after a day or two depending on the breed that is how many times an egg can be fertilized. If you want to use my Leghorn for an example Leggy lays a jumbo egg every day, so within 30 days you could have 29 fertilized eggs. However, if you want to hatch them (why else have fertilized eggs) then you can only collect them for 7–10 days, and then you have to start a new batch for another 1–10 days, so from the one mating theoretically, if all criteria's are perfect matched you can have three batches of about 10 each maximum and each batch in 3 separate incubators, each duration of 21 days, with a 100% hatching rate (rare) after 7 plus weeks you could have 30 new chicks if everything went by plan. Pretty good odds?

But if you are interested how active a rooster is, he can mate multiple times per day the average is about ten hens, however, I had plenty more and he took care of all but two. Some roosters can get so busy that they die of exhaustion. Overworked and underappreciated I guess. Other roosters know their limits and mate for three years and slow down some. They can live 8–10 years but you know how it is when one gets older the energy levels and testosterone might put a bump in the road. Many keepers eat their rooster after a season so he did his job and then the meat is still tender to eat. But it is not so on our homestead.

Photo by Rita E


How do you stop a chicken egg from fertilizing?

As soon as a rooster mates with a chicken and the chicken lays an egg the next day or so depending on her breed, the egg will pretty much be fertilized unless she or he are infertile or sterile.

But if you have a fertilized egg why would you want to stop the process? It doesn’t matter if an egg is fertilized or not for consumption you can eat it just the same.

But if you don’t want fertilized eggs, sell you rooster or rehome him for free or eat him. But if you wash a fertilized egg or put it in the refrigerator or put the egg upside down for storage chances are pretty good you stopped an egg from continuing being fertilized.


How many eggs do chickens have growing inside at any time?

This is how many eggs chickens have growing inside of them at one time. from interestingasfuck

Can a chicken go without eating an egg?

Chickens diet does not necessarily include eggs, they eat greens and bugs, however, some do eat eggs and ones they do its a disaster, they always want it as we know they taste delicious.

We boil our extra eggs and smash them up and feed them as treats to our chickens. If they are sick I give them the egg yolk, and sometimes and throw a few extra eggs shell and all into the blender and then feed them to the chickens, or pan fry them, different ways at times to keep them guessing!

Chickens are very smart they know immediately when something is new or different or out of place, they will find it.


What does it mean when an egg is brown and round?

Its rarer, but if it is tiny, than it is a fart egg without egg yolk, it happens, its awfully pretty and still the egg white is good to eat. I had a Brahma that always laid beige round eggs, she was infertile or the rooster did not like her at all? But none of her eggs ever hatched!

But nothing wrong with round juts harder to see which end is which to store it until its time to put in the incubator. Good luck.


What causes hard-boiled egg whites to be stiff?

A chemical reaction.

But if you want a truly nice fluffy egg, place the whole egg with shell and all in the over for 20 -25 minutes for soft eggs at 325.

Or crack some eggs in a muffin tray and bake 25 minutes at 350 with your favorite add ones' such as bacon salt and pepper etc. Never want to eat a boiled rubbery egg ever again!

Eggs baked in the oven for 25 minutes, taste fantastic and you never want to go back

Stay tuned for more egg updates!

A Dozen Reasons Why Chickens Stop Laying Eggs?
Do you want to know the reason your chickens stopped laying eggs? We have a whole dozen of answers to that questions inside along with other info.