Hello my friend, glad you could stop by. You know what made me think of an automatic chicken coop door? My hubby, as we were laying in our warm cozy bed on a freezing cold night after working all afternoon covering up our seedlings and little fruit trees and dragon fruits, I suddenly feel a notch and I hear from afar (so I thought), "time to get up baby, you gotta let your chickens out and feed 'em".  Oh, that was the moment it hit me, I must do something about those unforgettable precious moments uninterrupted.  I started out to do some research on how to safe my time and not feel guilty.  Have you ever felt guilty arriving late to close the chicken coop? I do.

So I found this incredible Aluminum automatic chicken coop door that has a timer and a light sensor that I can either set myself for a specific time or let the daylight take care of opening the door.  A true life saver don't you think?

So my research also showed me the price, so I told my husband about it, because I was worried a bit about the price since I spent so much already on all those other things I recently bought for my chickens, but to my surprise he said ok go ahead, it is well worth it to stay in bed longer and not having to worry about the chickens making a rocker and clucking waking up the whole neighborhood and throwing eggs at each other.  

And the same goes at night, just when you are finished with your dinner and your tummy is full and you feel comfortable with hubby holding hands on the soft and cozy couch, the movie in full action, I have to get up and walk in the dark with the flashlight in hand, mosquitos biting me everywhere even through my pants and always in places I can't even mention, probably smelling my dinner on me, to close the darn chicken coop door. That was it for me. Did you ever feel this way?

My mind was made up and I was ordering that night the Aluminum Automatic Chicken Coop Door With Timer!  Who cares what it cost, it is well worth the investment into my time with my husband and relaxation on my cozy couch speaking sweet things into my ear. He is happy, I am happy, the chickens are safe from predators and I don't have to worry anymore if I come a little late to close the door. Oh what a relief it is. Have you come to the same conclusion?

Look at some of these horrifying predators to our beloved chickens, now you know why you need to choose to accept an automatic door opener.

Then let me show you this grand model right here.

This ultimate automatic door for me and every other chicken keeper is wonderful. This AUTOMATED chicken coop door opener will surprise you as it has me with its WATERPROOF feature, its STURDY design, the famous Light SENSOR where I don't have to worry to get up in the morning, it opens when the sun comes up and closes at sun set, this great model even has a 1 YEAR battery life that works in all weather conditions, has an EASY user interface, and most importantly, the forementioned LIGHT SENSOR that takes care of my chickens being safe at night and free-range by day. What a must have.  Truly it is a life saver. No stress with a peace of mind about my feathered friends.

Below you will be able to order you door to protect your babies and have a more peaceful life with your family! Enjoy your new found freedom!

RUN-CHICKEN Model T50, Automatic Chicken Coop Door, Full Aluminum Doors, Light Sensing, Evening and Morning Delayed Opening Timer

Run-Tiger, LLC - $199.00

Order Here On Amazon

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