If you feel anything like I do, you know you just have to film your feathered friends as often as you can right? At least I do, so I thought it might be enjoyable for you to watch a few of my dear chicken videos with audio and if you like them and you decide you wish to add some of yours feel free to do so with a free membership on our blog.

Looking forward to your best friends in motion!

Sunny the Brahma and her Ducklings she hatched Liane Page, Florida 2020
Buffy The Clucker always making noise, but such a sweetheart and so pretty, lays beautiful beige eggs now getting longer in size, go figure. Liane Page, Florida 2020
Those six little angels were just the first few born of a larger batch, the one with the bare spot on the back was stuck completely on the egg, I had to soak it for a long time to get it off at all, poor thing. The brown one turned out to be a rooster and fertilized many eggs of which I am hatching a few for my brooder hen Frizzy, but she switches her nests all the time so I had to take the cold eggs and put them in the incubator and luckily they survived thus far. The first 6 are moving nicely and I will put them back under here belly in a couple of days. Liane Page, Florida 2022
This is my German call for my flock when its treat time! Komm Put Put Put Put