Close your eyes and picture yourself a hundred years back when your great-great parents lived and had a farm with chickens, roosters, pigs, goats, cows, dogs, cats, turkeys, and rabbits.  I can see it as clearly as the sun and the blue sky, I can even smell the horse manure I love so much from way back when.  I apologize if I get a bit nostalgic, but once I was accused of having an old soul, whatever that may mean. Go figure.

Today, we will show you the world of vintage black & white pictures to bring back memories and stories your grand parents might have told you and hope you are having a lovely time doing so.  I am, we all have and always will. Blessings.

A rooster that needs a hen and she needs a saddle to be protected from her rooster for sure
Photo by GDJ
a lovely poultry family the chicks are so cute and so hungry they are looking for some scratch feed and mealworms and bird seeds right away.
Photo by GDJ
This is one terrifying rooster that needs to be in a harness to be protected from him and his poor hens my goodness he needs a collar also for crowing so much.
Photo by GDJ
This massive hen is humongous, her eggs must be extra large and her nest pads or liner must be extra big and soft for her eggs in the large chicken coop
Photo by GDJ
Look at all these beautiful chickens and birds boy must they be hungry time to feed them with some BSF larvae and bird seeds or starter feed for the chicks
Photo by GDK
This chicken farm is perfect, a nice coop but it still needs an automatic chicken coop door opener for sure to protect the poor flock from predators.
Photo by GDK
The cutest flock ever, a rooster, hens laying eggs, chicks playing with toys, and scratching feed all around now all they need are BSF larvae and mealworms to make their feed complete.
Photo by GDK
Oh no the Hawk is coming, find shelter in the coop with the automatic chicken coop door opener to protect my chickens and rooster and little chicks, the farmer with the broom is not enough.
Photo by GDJ
I think this rooster is sickly looking and needs some serious supplements and medicine immediately and quit crowing or it will get a do not crow collar instantly.
Photo by JonkerElias
Children are like chicks cute as a button and the hen is listening and waiting for some treats like the mealworms and bsf larvae and bird seeds for the wild birds and soon they will be hanging a new bird house in the tree to attract more wild birds.
Photo by GDJ
Rabbits, ducks, chickens, geese, and chicks in perfect harmony for Easter, they deserve special attention and some colorful treats such as mealworms, pellets, and wild bird seeds, and bsf larvae they will love.
Photo by CelineCreates

Fantastic Photos and thank you for watching. Be blessed and have a great day.


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Our main web address is for any of your poultry or pet needs.  See you there.  Thank you again and be blessed.