We have added some pictures of our chicken flock for our and hopefully your enjoyment as well.
The Love Birds Silkie the rooster, bought him as an adult from vendors at a market in Ocala, FL & Whitey the Polish hen, I purchased from a very nice lady as a two week old chick at a market in Ocala, they are too adorable together and always acting cute. Silkie didn't crow for a very long time, suddenly he did, and we realized he was over 3 years old. Whitey moves really funny sometimes, like a robot. Probably because she can't see well with all that crest on her head, that is why I trim her feathers around the eyes occasionally to make her life a bit easier.This is Frizzi, a Frizzle with her new adopted babies May 2022, I bought her as an adult hen from a weekend swap by Rual King in Ocala, and she lays beautiful little olive eggs. All of her chicks that I incubated and turned the eggs by hand 4x daily, most have been roosters. The few hens she gifted me are not frizzle feathered they come after the dad, the Polish Rooster Hatty, you'll meet him down the line.Front is Gamy, half Modern Game Bird half Serama. Back is Sammy, 100% Serama girl. I bought these cuties from my friend in Umatilla. We buy each others fertilized eggs and see which one has the prettier chicks. The Seramas are the smallest chicken in the world and incredible beautiful. However, my favorite is Gamy, she is finally coming around and becoming very attached. When I feed her in the morning she is the first to come to me or fly on my shoulder and just relax and waits until I feed her by hand. Haven't seen any eggs yet, The were born around the 20th of February, 2022Gazi, a mix from Grandpa Easter Egger (Plymmy), Grandma Dominique (Cocky), Dad from that mix and Mom an Aumericana. She was born September 12, 2021, on Bengazi Day, that is why I named her Gazi. She is so lovable, she is a sweetheart. She was hatched with 6 other chicks, of which 4 were roosters, beautiful fellas, but they were to rumbunctious so we found new homes for them. So the left three girls, Gazi, Buffy, and Lassy, are still hanging out together. She lays beautiful large beige eggs, Buffy lays beige eggs, and Lassy lays teal eggs.My favorite: Creamy, the Buff Laced Polish Hen she was about 3 months at the time of the picture. I had purchased 4 Buff Laced Polish chicks 2 days old from Rual King, and 3 died right away. Shortly after this picture was taken, so did Creamy, I found her on the coop floor in the morning.This is Allie. She was one of four chicks that looked similar, the other three were the most cutest chicks you have ever seen, however, the big bad raccoon got those and many others. But Allie has not been the same ever since, she is extremely shy and doesn't let me get close. She is the only one not eating out of my hand. As a chick and pullet she was the friendliest of them all and always the first to come on my lap, eat out of my hands and out of the pot. She got her name from her look as a chick she had really odd looking feathers around her neck that stuck out like a sore thumb, she resembled something out of space, so I named her Alien (Allie).Hi Amy, yes you were there from the beginning! Her sister is Tammy, I was fortunate enough to get two Ameraucanas at Rual King that day in April 2020, I was so proud to have them, they are so cute with their tuffs and beards. I so wanted to have baby blue eggs, but it turned out both, Tammy & Amy lay light turquoise or pastel tealish color eggs. Of course, I had to keep trying, I found her later on.My buddy Beauty. She is a character let me tell you. She is the child of my Rhode Island Red Hen Reddy and Plymmy, the Easter Egger. She is very beautiful and pretty large, but since daddy has the blue gene in him, instead of brown eggs, she lays pastel green/olive eggs. She is a bit on the don't catch me side, pecks on younger ones a bit, but not feather pulling kind. When it is feeding time, boy, let me tell you, she is the first to come and goodness forbid I hold that cucumber in someone else's direction, she will be there in a millisecond. No matter where I turn to with the treats she has to be number one. Her colors are amazing and when I do catch her is a sweetheart in my arms for a little bit.This is Baby or any other name you want to give her, I can never remember her name, I must have named her 20,000 times by now, so I call all I am not sure of their new names babies until further notice :) Anyhewwww, in this nest you see Baby and Bruni, sometimes there are three in there laying eggs. Sometimes there are fights, sometimes sisterly behavior, and there are times the sounds are simply frightening, but I just grab the trouble maker and put her in another nest for 2 seconds and she is back to her old nest. So after a dozen times of that I gave finally up and let nature take its course. I often asked myself why I, in particular can't remember her name, so I think it could be because I had two of these almost identical looking, but the other one was just so much more beautiful and sweeter and lovable, and one day the raccoon got her also and not the one in the picture. My heart was broken so many times that perhaps subconsciously, I hold a grudge against this one? But Baby is sweet, she pecks on my leg when she wants to be picked up and eats out of my hand jumps on my shoulder sometimes when I am sitting down or right into the pot of treats. I love her, but if I would ever have to make a choice of which one to give up, it could be her.Wow, the absolutely gorgeous hen in the middle is Blacky. She is an Australorp. Her colors are stunning in the sunshine from a dark teal to a purple with brown spots in front and a nice red comb, her feathers are the softest of them all. I love her so much. She lays purple brownish eggs and makes beautiful babies. She is a little shy and has with us for 2 1/2 years now. She survived a raccoon attach after which she laid on the ground motionless until I picked her up and brought her to the house overnight for observation and the next day she was still unharmed praise God so I let her out back with the others. The Polish rooster Hatty lover her and Tammy the most, so every time I walk anywhere close to her intentionally or not she crotches down in submission. Hatty surely did a job on her, she always tried to run away from him it was hilarious to watch sometimes.Darling Rooster Brizzi! He is the child of Frizzy the Frizzle and Hatty the Polish. He was the goofiest rooster I have ever seen, like a robot on steroids. Too bad it was a him and not a her, we had to give him up. Roosters are too noise in our neighborhood.My Bruni, the makings of my first Wynadotte and Easter Egger Plymmy. She is stunning looking, but very reserved, like a fine lady with several titles. She also a picky eater. I was so happy when she hatched our first batch. She lays beige eggs just like her mom and when I come around the corner she has the cutest wabbling walk ever. She is very domineering with the ones that came after her, they must be below her standards? My Cookie Cutter. I bought her at Rual King with Creamy and Leggy and Sussy. She doesn't care for anybody and screams if you get anywhere near her nest. She just started laying eggs a couple of weeks ago and her eggs are still the cutes little eggs purpleish brownish, it sticks out easily in an egg carton. She is very pretty and a Cuckoo Maran. She is not much into cuddling at all.My dear Lilly, she is our first own hatched Polish chick from Whitey and Hatty, two Polish. However, now that she finally comes around to being really friendly and as pretty as can be, I found out the pair of Polish looking identical as chicks I traded Gammy and Sammy for turned out to be two roosters, so I will have to trade her back to my friend and get the rooster. Well, such is life. I guess that's when line breeding could come into place? Heehee.Now my friends this is Tammy, the Ameraucana I bought together with Amy above. I named her after the movie Tammy and sang that song to her all the time and sometimes still today, definitely to all the eggs after day 12 when they can hear me. I want them to know they are loved inside the egg and know I am their mommy and take care of them to have no worries when they hatch. Tammy also was Hatty's favorite, he loved her so much that he pulled out every feather on her head and neck, you could almost call her a Turken for heaven's sake. The poor thing, after Hatty was rehomed she finally regrew her feathers and seem to be her old self again. You can still see "scars" if you will. She was always my favorite until I find more favorites until I found my utmost favorite the Buff Laced Polish chicken.Left: Polly the Polish, I bought a dozen Polish fertilized eggs from a poultry swap and paid $15 for them, a good deal, because one chick cost $15 then. So I hatched two out of 12, I was still $15 ahead. Polly and Whitey. The middle one is Brizzy as seen above, and on the right you see Horsey. I had another one that looked like her, but it was a rooster we had to rehome of course. When I had a particular pretty or sweet chicken or rooster and it died or was rehomes I re-use that name to remember them always and Horsey is one of them. Brizzy and Horsey are both children of Hatty the Polish rooster. Both my Polish adult hens lay white medium sized eggs.Rosie turned out to be a rooster, just gorgeous, but when we have too many roosters we have to give them up or we will have trouble with the neighbors and the Code EnforcementHatty the Polish Rooster, he fathered all our beautiful mixtures, they are the cutes ones. Can only recommend having a Polish rooster make sure he has a beard and tuffs so your chicks will be absolutely stunning.Sunny, the Brahma hen with her ducklings she hatchedLooks like some queens always like the penthouse! Browney, Buffy, and Reddy, all taken from me by raccoons.This is rooster Brizzy - A mixture of Polish and Frizzle - both were black, go figure!This is the dancing duo! 2 roosters and one hen - Polish babies - mom white dad black
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