One sunny day in my beautiful backyard with tons of scratched up holes where the chickens take a bath in the sandy Florida, I found my beautiful Gazi limping around, so I picked her up and suddenly she was wheezing and I felt she had lost weight, by closer examination she also had a bumblefoot.  My goodness, I felt like the worst mom in history, and she is a very sweet lady.  

VETRX Poultry Remedy - 2 Ounce

VET RX - $13.99

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So I quickly did the usual bumble foot Epsom Salt bath for 30 Minutes, dried it well, added Prid, a gauze, flexible waterproof tape and done with that. Now treating her respiratory problem is another story.

I took the VetRx heated it up in a cup with hot water, shook it well, put a couple of drops straight down her throat, a few drops on top of her head and underneath, and rubbed some on her skin under her wings and a bit on her beak all around.

Then I put some in the hot cup and put her in a large tote so she is calmer and held the cup under her nose to breath in the steam. Once the steam was done I took her in my arms, gave her some treats and repeated in the evening and continued on with the treatment every day and a few days later she was fine.

Oregano is a natural antibiotic you can grow everywhere in your garden and feed it to your chickens.  It is also added to feed and to VetRx and smells so delicious.

The following is a real life situation story by author Becky Shinn Hill and her friends giving advise.

Becky Shinn Hill

Help !! Went out this morning to do my morning chicken route and found one of my chickens making a crying nose that I have never heard before. I brought her in the house but I don't know what is wrong with her. Please I need some advice.

Update: Thank you for all the advice. We bought and went ahead and treated frazzle with the Vet RX. But she had already stopped with her crying and was normal again before treating. Walking around eating and just being her normal self. We will treat the hole flock as it said we could just add to there water as a preventative. Thank you.

This is Becky's Baby the Frizzle with the respiratory issues, but she is recuperated since.

Answer: Vieng Robbie Xayavong

Respiratory. I would give her a shot of LA 200, one shot on day one and one shot on day 3. Should fix it. And rub vet rx around her nostrils, comb and waddles.

Answer: Tina Andrews Franklin

She is trillimg. It is respiratory. Mine did that when they had respiratory bronchitis. Vetrx fix all pf mine up.

Answer: Toni Lawrence

Sounds respiratory and needs antibiotics. can give you correct dosages based on the weight of your bird and the antibiotic you choose.

Answer: The Bird Vet

Amoxicillin and Clavulonic acid is often used in conjunction to treat secondary bacterial infections. The poultry vets also use antibiotic eye drops and Antibiotic nose drops. This route of medication is brilliant as the drugs get right to the place of infection.

Answer: Dineachook

How do I know if my chicken has a respiratory infection?

Signs that your chickens might be suffering from a Respiratory Illness include:

  1. Sneezing.
  2. Coughing.
  3. Wheezing or labored breathing.
  4. Discharge from the nostrils and/or eyes.
  5. Swelling around the eyes and/or beak.
  6. Poor comb or wattle color.
  7. Decreased appetite.
  8. Lethargy.

Answer: Poultry Extension

What causes respiratory issues in chickens? There are many common diseases that can affect a bird's respiratory system—the system that includes the trachea, lungs, and air sacs. Respiratory disease can result from viral, bacterial, fungal, and mycoplasmal infections. Note that some diseases that affect the respiratory system can also affect the nervous system.

Answer: Liane S. Page

As you can see there are many experiences that help others, if in doubt, best to call a vet first. Always keep your coop clean, the dusty poop is a serious problem and the ammonia is just as dangerous to the chickens as it is to us.

It is always a good idea to keep your sick bird separated from your flock not to spread the problem. And you might want to add some electrolytes and vitamin supplements by keeping an eye out for other possible cases.

In some cases treatment with tetracycline antibiotics from vet might be necessary but it may only reduce the duration of its symptoms in half.

Chickens get colds and most of the time the whole flock could get it, so give them plenty of vitamins and minerals and usually they will recover naturally within 3-4 weeks.

A great idea to get your sick chicken well is to let her breath in some drops of the VetRx this way below and put a towel over her!

Vicks V-1300 Portable Steam Therapy

VICK STORE - $13.06

Order Here On Amazon

We hope this helps your chicken with a respiratory issue and please let us know if you need anything we can help you with by signing up here.

Thank you and we pray your chicken will recuperate at top speed.  Blessings my friends,


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