Our dream and goal is and has been for many years to bring to life a place of peace and harmony creating togetherness amongst three groups of people, the young, the veterans and the elderly! To integrate love, friendship, respect, and to treasure the wisdom they can share with others.
YOUTH: A place where the youth can learn so much from our admired vets, their experiences, their skills and their friendship and the youth in turn keeps the vets and elderly from feeling lonely, but rather, to be looked up to and appreciated.

EXAMPLE: We will have an auto repair shop class, fishing class by the lake, financial classes, cooking, woodworking and many more subjects children will truly use and cherish in their adult life. The elderly could have story telling time, reading the good book, going for a walk, or teaching them swimming in the pool.
VETS: A place where the vets can call their home for the rest of their life, feeling important, belonging, and feeling they can still contribute to their country. They can impart their skills while having fun all wrapped in exciting experiences of boating, fishing, building, flying, so many fun things that shape and influence the minds of our youth.

ELDERLY: A place they will call their happy home again in our ALF (Assisted Living Facility) where we will provide for them, not a huge group mind you, perhaps two dozen or so, that have no one else and are happy to teach the youth manners, respect, share their life experiences and values, especially, to keep a happy family, with a mother and a father.

PLANS: Saying I never had a garden would be a stretch of anybody's imagination, but I truly would love to teach gardening passion to the youth and involve the elderly with their experiences and knowledge about gardening since I am not a master gardener. All the assistance I receive would be fantastic. It is simply the best when you grow your own veggies and eat them. Just imagine watching them grow while sitting on a swing between two mango trees in the shade in Florida's sunshine with a cool breeze around your silver hair inhaling the aroma of ripening tomatoes.

Our orchard will have thousands of different tropical fruit trees; olive trees live over 600 years, dates 2,000, mangos 600 years as well, figs also hundreds of years, so even when we are long gone the Park and our Orchard will still be around feeding many, children, vets and elderlies. Veggies you have to plant every year, but trees only once.
But stop, this is not all I am dreaming of, another, literally, huge project is to build a mountain in Florida for everybody to enjoy with water canal. And if ever a hurricane should hit again, to protect people and animals. Of course, there will be a little hotel with restaurant on the top with a petting zoo and gift shop to support the whole operation.

And that my friends is the real reason I set up this site with my husband in order to fund the plan for our "Page Park" where everyone feels loved, secure, and at home with a permanent address, if they chose to. Naturally, we will have hundreds of chickens, ducks, turkeys, goats, some cows for milk to feed everyone in the Park with fresh eggs and some meat. The livestock will be our petting zoo at the Park, as well as, on the Mountain. We shall have horses for calming the mind and the soul, to ride them and teach the youth responsibility of taking care of someone and making friends.
Therefore, every time you purchase an item on my site, the money will go directly to the Page Park Project. We are beginning in 2023 with the serious planning stages, architect, environmental, legal, governmental licenses, etc., which will be an arduous undertaking. It is an adventurous life of significance we will all be leading.
So my friends, thank you very much for reading my mission statement and please let me know if I can help you with any of your chicken needs, or answer questions about our Page Park Project. We can definitely use plenty of volunteers in the very near future in Florida, physically, with prayers and expertise.
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Thank you again for your support and have a blessed day!
Your friend,