You know every couple of weeks I had to go to the store and get new feed and I was it can't be that the chickens eat this much. So, I watched them carefully how they ate and I noticed that a lot of feed was getting dirty and scratched under the sand here in Florida. So I did some research and I am sure you know what that is all about, and found out I needed a no waste chicken feeder and found one I will show you here today.
And the question of the day is: Do you want to provide your chickens with the best possible food while also being mindful of your budget?
So theses no waste chicken feeders are a great way to do just that! These ingenious little devices allow you to give your chickens all the food they need without wasting a single kernel.
There are a lot of different no waste chicken feeders on the market, but after extensive research, I've narrowed it down to my top 3 favorites. Keep reading for my reviews of each one!
When you purchase a no waste chicken feeder today on our website we will receive a small commission from our affiliates Amazon that supports this blog and Mission.
How We Chose The Best No Waste Chicken Feeders & DIY Kits You Love & Safe Money
Feeding your chickens can be expensive and time consuming. You have to make sure you're buying the right feed, storing it properly, and then making sure the chickens actually eat it.
Not only can feeding your chickens a hassle, but it can also be really expensive. The wrong kind of feed or storage can mean that you're wasting money on food that the chickens don't even eat yeah like all the pellets my chickens didn't like.
We've found the perfect chicken feeders for you! These no waste chicken feeders are easy to install and keep your chickens fed without any waste. Plus, they're very affordable so you can save money while taking care of your feathered friends.

Chicken Feeder DIY Poultry Feeder Port Gravity Feed Kit, Rain Proof, Weather Resistant, No Waste Chicken Feeders, for Buckets, Barrels, Bins, Troughs
Wuxurun - Price:$17.99 FREE Returns
Why we think its great
If you're looking for an easy-to-install chicken feeder, the Wuxurun is the perfect choice. This DIY kit comes with a 3.15"/80mm hole saw and 4 pack chicken feeder ports, making it quick and easy to set up an outdoor feeding station for your flock. The Wuxurun is also versatile and convenient, working with any type of container - from buckets and barrels to bins and troughs.

Plus, it's covered and rainproof design ensures that your feed stays dry, fresh and protected from the elements. And if you're worried about spills and messes, the Wuxurun's unique design reduces both, making it a snap to keep clean. So why wait?

What is good to know
Chicks dig guys with the Poultry Pro Feeder. This easy Install, No-Leak, Weather-proof Chicken Feeder is a must have for any poultry owner. Super easy installation, No additional hardware needed. This DIY Chicken Feeder comes with a 3 inch Hole Saw so that you can install your port feeder in minutes.

Use with ANY container. Our adaptable port feeders can be used for buckets, bins, barrels, boxes, you name it. We make the homesteader's life easy with our truly DIY feeder. Use our feeder with whatever you've got in the garage. Weather resistant design, Strongest connection/seal, Deters rodents & vermin.
The Poultry Pro Feeder is designed to keep food dry and fresh no matter the weather conditions. No more soggy feed or pesky rodents. All the chicks are gonna dig you, trust me.

20 Sets Chicken Feeder PVC Poultry Feeder Ports No Waste DIY Gravity Feeder Rain Proof Chicken Feeder Kit with Feeder Port, Lid, Bushing and Weatherproof Seal for Buckets, Bins, Troughs (Black)
Chengu - $55.99 & FREE Returns
Why we think its great
Looking for an easy way to keep your chickens fed and happy? Look no further than Chengu PVC chicken feeder port set! This set includes everything you need to get started, including 20 feeder ports, lids, bushings, weatherproof seals, and more.

The Chengu chicken feeder is made of durable PVC plastic and features a waterproof design. With a sealing cover and sealing ring, it prevents rainwater from getting into the feeder, keeping food dry and fresh. The Gravity poultry feeder provides constant feed to your chickens, avoiding spillage and mess. It's easy to install too – just use a hole saw to cut a hole in the container, insert the feeder port, and you're good to go.

What is good to know
Looking for a way to keep your chicken feed dry and protected from pesky critters? Look no further than the No Waste Chicken Feeder DIY Kit! This weatherproof and ratproof feeder is perfect for preventing feed wastage. The waterproof ports resist rain and snow, and the stopper protects against unwanted visitors at night. Plus, the No Waste Chicken Feeder is easy to assemble, so you can get started keeping your chickens well-fed in no time!

Chengu No Waste Chicken Feeder DIY Kit 20 Piece
Choice # 2 - Best Price Per Piece - $55.99 & FREE Returns

No Waste Chicken Feeder - Holds 50 Pounds of Feed - Inside or Outside Hen Coop - Large Gravity Fed Automatic Poultry Dispenser - Rainproof Design
OverEZ - $89.99 & Free Return
Why we think its great
Are you sick and tired of your chickens making a mess of their food? Well, say goodbye to spilled feed and soiled coops with the OverEZ Chicken Feeder!
This top-of-the-line feeder can hold up to 50lbs of chicken feed, making it ideal for flocks of all sizes. Plus, the no-waste design means that not a single grain will go to waste - saving you time and money in the long run.
Made from UV-protected, food-safe plastic that is 100% recyclable, the OverEZ Chicken Feeder is built to last. So whether you use it indoors or outdoors, you can rest assured knowing that your chickens are getting clean feed.

What is good to know
The OverEZ chicken feeder is the Rolls-Royce of chicken feeders. With three feeding ports, it can accommodate up to three birds at a time. It also has a capacity of 50 pounds, so you won't have to refill it as often. The UV-protected and food-safe plastic is also recyclable, so it's good for the environment.

The best part is that the OverEZ chicken feeder prevents chickens from soiling or spilling feed, so you'll have a cleaner coop. When it rains, the port overhang protects the feed allowsing food to flow easily into the feeder. So if you're looking for an efficient and effective chicken coop accessory, look no further than the OverEZ chicken feeder.

OverEZ No Waste Chicken Feeder, Coop - Large Gravity Fed Automatic Poultry Dispenser - Rainproof Design
Choice # 1 - $89.99 & Free Return
Following is our Summary and Favorite For You, FAQs, Pros & Concerns, More
In conclusion, I highly recommend the OverEZ No Waste Chicken Feeder, especially if you dislike to drill anything. It's easy to set up and fill, and my chickens love it! I've tried other feeders and nothing comes close to the OverEZ No Waste Chicken Feeder in terms of keeping the feed clean and dry and also it can hold 50 pounds of feed and that is amazing.
However, if you're on a budget, go for the DIY kit the 20 piece the best price (we bought and paid a lot more elsewhere before I did my research) it's a great value compared to other DIY Chicken Feeders Kits on the market. Thanks for reading and hoping you have found what you were looking for and order it today!
How many feeders are needed for chickens?
It really depends on the size of your flock and the size of your feeder. If you have a small flock, a single feeder should be enough. But if you have a large flock, you'll probably need multiple feeders to keep everyone fed.
How high off the ground should the chicken feeder be?
This is a great question, and one that doesn't have a definitive answer. After all, there are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to chicken feeders. Here are some things you'll need to take into account:
The height of your chickens. If you have very tall chickens, then you'll need a feeder that's high enough off the ground so they can reach it. On the other hand, if your chickens are on the shorter side, then you can get away with a feeder that's not as high off the ground.
The type of feeder you're using. If you're using a gravity-fed feeder, then it will need to be elevated so the chickens can reach it.
How do you keep poop out of a chicken feeder?
It's actually not as difficult as you might think. The first thing you need to do is get a chicken feeder that has a lid. This will help to keep the poop out of the feeder. Next, you need to make sure that you clean the chicken coop regularly. This will help to keep the chicken poop from getting into the feeder. Finally, you need to train your chickens to only use the feeder when they are outside of the coop. This will take some time and patience, but it will be worth it in the end.
Should chicken feeders be placed in the run or coop?
It really depends on your specific chicken set-up. If you have a small backyard flock, putting the feeders in the run may make more sense. However, if you have a larger flock or live on a farm, placing the feeders in the coop may be easier to manage. Ultimately, it is up to you and what works best for your chickens!
How many times a day should I feed my chickens?
Ideally, you should feed your chickens three times a day. However, if you can only manage to do it twice a day, that’s still better than nothing. Just make sure that each chicken gets enough to eat so they can stay healthy and happy.
Do chicken feeders need to be hung?
Not all chicken feeders need to be hung, but the ones that don't have a base or a tray to hold the feed will need to be hung. And even the feeders with a base or tray can benefit from being hung because it keeps the feed off of the ground and helps keep it dry.
The best way to hang a chicken feeder is by using an S-hook. Simply screw the S-hook into the side of your chicken coop and then hang the chicken feeder from it. If you don't have an S-hook, you can also use a wire hanger. Just bend one of the arms of the hanger so that it forms a loop, and then use that loop to hang
Do chickens need fresh water every day?
No, but they sure love it! Our chickens adore bathing in their little chicken water trough, and they always seem so much happier when they have access to clean water. Plus, it's just a nice way to spoil them a little bit – and chickens are definitely deserving of some daily pampering!
Should I leave food and water in chicken coop at night?
I do, as I stated above, if I oversleep or if I should fall ill, they have a head start and a better chance of survival until help arrives.
How does a No Waste Chicken Feeder work?
Just add the DIY kit to any garbage can or tub all parts come in the package with instructions. You drill a hole install the parts and its ready to use by the chickens that have to stick their heads inside to eat so no spills.
How many feeders do I need for 100 chickens?
I would suggest having at least 80 openings in the 8 garbage cans (10 per can) with the installed best no waste chicken feeder DIY kit. This way every single chicken can eat at the same time. If this is too much for you than their might be a bit of pecking each other and seniority will play a role. The youngest will eat last. But, that is nature.
- No wasted feed
- Less pests
- Safe money
- Cleaner ground less insects
- Great feed storage
- Easy to use
- If you don't have a drill, you can purchase our Choice # 1, ready to rock & roll
Another opportunity for you to order your favorite choice of no waste chicken feeder below:
Thank you so very much for viewing our selection and ordering your favorite choice of DIY waste free chicken feeder. We hope you will join us for all your other chicken needs in the future.
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May the sun shine upon you and your feathered friends and grant you a fantastic happy chicken day without any waste.
Your friend,