Well if you are here you have a mouse or rat problem and believe me I know what I am talking about! Rats are very dangerous to your health at the least and the for sure death of your chicks. Rats carry all kinds of diseases that are super easy transferred by simply touching something they peed and then you touch your mouth or eyes and boom, four days later your family has to look for a casket.
I have seen with my own eyes a rat killing a brand new chick in my brooder on the porch even though it was a solid tub with a cover that had tiny holes and one that was just a bit bigger and that is where the devil went in and killed several chicks one the head was half eaten off. It was gruesome and I bought those from Rual King beautiful Buff Laced Polish babies. I literally hate rats. I am sure God had a purpose for them, but not in my house or coop!
So rather than humanely catch the suckers and let them loose elsewhere and do the same thing to another family, I kill them as fast as I can!
And here is how:
We bough hundreds of glue traps and it was a disaster in the house and you can't use it in the coop. On my porch I put them, but behold I forgot to close the door and some smarty pie chicken came in and naturally got stuck. What a torture that was poor baby. Unfortunately, with the glue traps you catch lizards, frogs, roaches which are all food for the chickens, so glue is out!
Anyway, below you will find the quicker choices and less trouble for sure. I actually, build my own trap with a bucket and put a close hanger wire through each side of the rim with a soda can added some peanut butter on the can and inside was a bunch of water, takes about 2 minutes for them to drown. You can try that if you are on a budget.
But here are the masters of rat catchers! Which ever one you decide of buying we will receive a small commission for it because we are affiliated with Amazon that supports our blog and Mission.

Rat Zapper - Electric Rodent Killer - Effective & Humane Mouse Trap Killer for Rats & Mice - Safe & Clean
Teal Elite - $49.97

Covered Rat & Chipmunk Traps, Prevents Accidental Triggering with Tunneled Design, Quick Humane Kill, Indoor 'N Outdoor Mouse Snap Traps
Kat Sense - $19.97

Indoor Electric Rat Trap, Instant Kill Rodent Zapper with Pet Safe Trigger, Black, Large
OWLTRA OW-1 - $31.50

Humane Rat Trap Live Mouse Trap Indoor Animal Cage Multi Catch and Release 2 Door Large Bait Cage Reusable Mice Voles
Joozer - $35.98

Flip N Slide Bucket Lid Mouse Trap |Humane or Lethal| |Trap Door Style| |Multi Catch |Auto Reset| |Indoor Outdoor| |No See Kill| |5 Gallon Bucket Compatible| Made in USA (1)
RinneTraps - $19.97

Mouse Traps Balanced Flip n Slide Bucket Lid - Mouse Trap Automatic Reset - Indoor-Outside Use - Mice Trap is Reusable - Multiple Catch-5 Gallon Bucket Lid Compatible-Safe
Mighty Traps - $21.99

3 Indoor Electronic Humane Rat and Mouse Trap - No Touch, No See Electric Rat and Mouse Trap - 3 Traps
Victor M241SR - $141.07
Great stuff right! It feels great to know that you will soon be rat free and live in peace and harmony again. We truly celebrated once we got rid of those evil doers that kills our chicks, put us in danger, and eat all the chicks' feed. How horrible is that? Please let us know how quickly you got rid of your trouble!
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We wish you a pest free happy chicken day, your friend
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