Why do you need an automatic chicken door coop opener kit you might ask?

Automatic chicken coop door
The Hawk Is one reason
Automatic Chicken Coop Doors With Battery, Solar, Light Sensor, Safety Mechanism
The Raccoon is the Number One Reason

It was truly tragic going into my chicken coop one sad morning and seeing all my beloved chickens laying around dead on the floor hanging out half of a hole in the wall the raccoon made, without their heads, some with some bites out of the belly.  I am still in shock over it.  We fixed all the possibilities the raccoons could have come in from.

A week later, tragic strikes again, this terrifying monster, as cute as it can look, has literally bitten of the heads of 14 chickens in one night through the chicken wire in a cage table high.  You could tell the chicks were trying to escape through the chicken wire and that is when the raccoon could strike.  The raccoon probably had a companion or a whole family one distracting the chicks/pullets and the other biting off the chicks heads.  

That was it for me, we set-up a trap and caught the devil right away, he wasn't even fully grown yet and on a killer spree.  He was terrifying let me tell you, hissing and scratching and biting, jumping and making the scariest faces.  Vicious, that what these beasts are when it comes to chickens.  Do I like raccoons in general, of course, if I had a newborn and bringing it up I would love it of course, but this is survival mode!  You kill my babies I have to get rid of you!  My husband keeps telling me every time one of my chicks get killed by a cat, a raccoon or a hawk, God provides for his critters!  Now what can you answer to that I ask you?

So the only way to master the situation is to proof the whole coop for predators and one part is the door, unless you truly want to get up early in the morning to open the doors front and back to let out the chickens and repeat right before it gets too dark to close the doors again while having dinner with hubby?

The solution, yes you guessed it an automatic chicken coop door opener kit that does it all for you.  It has light sensors that opens the door and when it gets dark it will close automatically.  Isn't that delightful?  So now the questions is which automatic door opener should I get?  I checked out so many, some are to flimsy, some too light, some are too heavy, some have extremely bad reviews, some are from China, some don't even exist, the company just wants your money, pure fraud even on Amazon.  So one really has to be aware of so many things.

I came up with one Coop Controls automatic door opener that opens sideways that is my favorite style because the chances of a door falling on my chickens is impossible.  However, that door is over $300.00 and most pockets can't afford that and you still have to purchase some batteries and other little extras.  

So this is why all around the JVR Automatic Chicken Door Coop Opener Kit with Safety Mechanism is the best in my eyes, the light sensor is fantastic, plus the timer is super also in case you have lights in the coop in the winter so that the chicken continue to laying eggs, because they need 8-12 light. Did it have a couple of accidents as all automatic doors could have? Yes, but the wide majority gives this product a five star rating.  The accidents could have happened because the door wasn't installed properly, the old wood of the coop door the kit was attached to might have changed due to weather changes (shrinking or expanding) so nobody knows what caused the accident.  

But if God forbid an accident should happen, it is better a quick death without fear of being eaten is preferred to the painful stress and fear of seeing the viciousness of a fierce raccoon coming closer and closer until he bites my head off.  

  1. I am just trying to make a point, if you don't mind getting up in the morning everyday, than you don't need an automatic door!
  2. If you like going for a walk in the midst of a great thriller movie in the evening hours when the mosquitos and yellow flies are out, you don't need one!
  3. If you don't have predators you don't need an automatic coop door!
  4. But, if you like your sleep, get one!
  5. If you like to go on vacation, get one!
  6. If you want your feathered friends to be safe, get one!
  7. If you can afford it get one.
  8. If you can afford the best, get the side swinging one.

From all the reviews I have read, the one thing in common is the fit and manual. So make sure you read the instructions many times or really well before even considering opening the package, also if you have a question about the product contact the company and bug them until you get the answer before installing the opener kit.

Make sure you know where it fits better inside or outside of your chicken coop door. Also, even if something is rainproof, do we have to force it on to the kit if we can put it inside? Before ordering make sure you order the battery backup as well, because if you are on vacation and it is hurricane season in Florida for example, losing the power wouldn't be a good thing.  

About this item

  • Large Hinged Door - Sizes: 11 13/16 inch wide, 12 9/16 inch high. Fit most chickens and ducks
  • Easy to Install - No complicated wiring or cabling. Attach the door opener. Plug and Play
  • Peace of Mind - Open in the morning and close in the evening according to timer. Your poultry are safe
  • Programmable Time - Setting the timer with integrated fully featured LCD screen.
  • Safety Feature - A sensor to prevent hurting a chicken sleeping in the doorway.

Are you tired of opening and closing your chicken coop door every day?

Do you worry about the safety of your poultry while you're on vacation?

Would you like to waste your time and money on poorly crafted coop door openers?

Are you worried about the longevity and after-sales service of your expensive products?

JVR Advanced Technology Automatic Chicken Door Opener can make your life easier!

JVR Automatic Door Openers save your time/marriage/family fights and protect your chickens from predator!

JVR Automatic Chicken Coop Door Manufacturer provides unconditional free after-sales service within one year of receiving the goods!


Power Cord: AC 110V Input, DC 12V Output

Motor Control: Timer / Manual override

Operating Temperature: 14° F ~ 122° F

Voltage: 12V DC power (Can be connected to 12V solar panel batteries, not included)

Hinged Door sizes: 11 13/16 inches wide, 12 9/16 inches high ( 2 pieces with a hinge )

Installation Space: 12 3/4 inches wide, 30 5/16 inches minimum and 42 9/16 inches maximum high

If you have any questions, please contact the JVR service, they will reply within 24 hours the information is in the manual.


JVR Automatic Chicken Door Coop Opener Kit with Safety Mechanism, Rainproof Outdoor Timer Controller Actuator Motor, 12V DC Power Supply (Timer Version)

JVR - $149.47

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