We chicken keepers adore our chickens and certainly want the best for our little feathered friends. So, in case you are a new comer into the chicken world and are not familiar with the do's and don'ts here is a list of them to ensure your chickens' health, happiness, and good digestion. Chickens are omnivores and devour anything in their path.
* Scrabs high in fat or salt
* Rancid or spoiled scraps
* Uncooked Rice can cause diarrhea and dirty vent of more than 10-20% of the diet and can cause problems with egg production
* Uncooked Beans contain a poisonous compound called phytohaemagglutinin
* Raw potato contains solanine which is toxic to chicken
* Avocado or skin could cause breathing and heart problems due to persin, a fungicidal toxin, flesh is ok in small portions rarely
* Chocolate, Theobromineor is a toxin for chickens, any other caffeine products such as coffee or tea included, it is a type of methylxanthine
* Onion (if selling eggs onions or garlic could be tasted in them), can cause diarrhea, loss of appetite, listlessness, paleness, breathing, and red-tinged urates.
* Citrus fruits - in high quantities could cause upset stomach
* Oats - whether raw or cooked avoid totally as per Dr. Biggs, the Beta Glucan destroys chickens' intestines.
* Grains - grains are totally toxic to their system
* Rhubarb and leaves contain oxalic acid which is toxic to hens
* Tomato plants and leaves or unripe tomatoes because it contains solanine or any other nightshade family produce
* Apple Seeds are poisonous due to cyanide
* Apricot Pits and leaves are toxic to hens, as well as, cherries, plums, pears, and peaches - the fruit itself is fine to feed.
* Dairy (they get diarrhea)
* Cotton Seeds (turns egg yolks black)
1. If you have hens for egg production you want to feed them ONLY layer feed and oyster shells anything else will unbalance their healthy diet because the layer feed is totally balanced.
2. If you have a rooster DO NOT FEED HIM LAYER FEED, it has too much calcium and can cause kidney damage or even death after prolonged feedings.
3. All Flock feed is very good for all, but add oyster shells for the hens. It even has probiotics which is a natural de-wormer, of course not all worms, the dangerous ones need special treatments.

16% All Flock Crumbles | 16% Protein Level | Complete Crumbles for Mixed Flocks | Probiotics to Support Digestion | No Artificial Colors or Flavors
Manna Pro - $10.99
4. If you have chicks feed them ONLY NON-MEDICATED STARTER FEED for 16 weeks, layer after that if pullets/hens!
5. If you cannot afford the expensive feed or if you feel the natural way is the best than feed them scraps often, treats such as meal worms rarely, because they are high in protein, never to chicks, and let them free roam as much as possible so that they can eat grass and other greens and worms, even dirt for it is good for their digestion it helps to grind up their food.
6. There is a rumor going around that Diatomatious Earth is good for chickens: (if its bad for humans to breath in how can it be good for chickens?)
Is diatomaceous earth harmful to chickens?
Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder - try not to breathe it in. Gail Damerow, in "The Chicken Health Handbook", suggests that particles of diatomaceous earth can stick to chickens' lungs and create respiratory problems. (Statment from Raising-Happy-Chickens.com)
What are the dangers of diatomaceous earth?
If breathed in, diatomaceous earth can irritate the nose and nasal passages. If an extremely large amount is inhaled, people may cough and have shortness of breath. On skin, it can cause irritation and dryness. Diatomaceous earth may also irritate the eyes, due to its abrasive nature.
(Statement from Diatomaceous Earth General Fact Sheethttp://npic.orst.edu › factsheets › degen)
Why do Exterminators not use diatomaceous earth?
Any chemical, including diatomaceous earth, can be harmful if you come into contact with large enough amounts. Therefore, it is not without risk. Some diatomaceous earth products are not checked for pest control-related risks. These include 'food grade' products and others that are not labeled for pest control.
Is food grade diatomaceous earth okay for pest control? http://npic.orst.edu › faq
Is diatomaceous earth harmful to lungs?
Prolonged inhalation of calcined diatomaceous earth may cause silicosis with scarring of the lungs, cough, and shortness of breath.
Occupational Health Guideline for Amorphous Silicahttps://www.cdc.gov › niosh › docs › pdfs
Does diatomaceous earth contain heavy metals?
Abstract. Filtration methods for alcoholic fermented beverages often use filter aids such as diatomaceous earth (DE), which may contain elevated amounts of the heavy metals arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd).Mar 6, 2019
Factors Affecting Transfer of the Heavy Metals Arsenic, Lead ... - PubMedhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ›
Will diatomaceous earth hurt bees?
DE does, however, have the potential to be harmful to bees. Food grade diatomaceous earth works to kill insects by lacerating their exoskeletons and dehydrating them. According to bee keepers, if a bee comes in contact with DE death is a possible outcome.Jan 17, 2019
Diatomaceous Earth and Bees - Absorbent Productshttps://www.absorbentproductsltd.com › diatomaceous-ear...
What happens if diatomaceous earth gets wet?
WET TOWEL OR MOP – Getting Diatomaceous Earth wet makes it non-irritating while also rendering it ineffective against insects. Essentially, the minute particles in DE will fill up with moisture.
How to Clean Up Diatomaceous Earth - Safer Brandhttps://www.saferbrand.com ›
Do vets recommend diatomaceous earth?
Veterinarians generally advise against the use of diatomaceous earth for fleas on cats and dogs. “Do not apply diatomaceous earth directly to your pet. It is not effective for flea control when used in this manner and could potentially result in lung damage if inhaled,” says Dr.Jul 8, 2019
Can You Use Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas? - PetMDhttps://www.petmd.com ›
7. Popcorn only unseasoned
Thank you for your interest in learning about your chickens health what foods are good and which are bad for our flock.
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Thank you and have a wonderful happy chicken day my friends, blessings.
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